Post Pennsic Valiance Meeting Wrap Up

In Attendance: Edward of thorn, Baron Edward harbinger, Maria donald, Mistress arwenna of kelzey, Glynnis gwynneth, Fergus, and Cameron de Grey

More wanted to come, but could not because of conflicts. We can, and should be organizing these meetings when and where we can. The more people we can get discussing the issues, and successes, the better informed we all are. This allows us to shape a more consistent message and narrative. Now on to the meeting notes in the order they were taken, with additional clarification and context.

It was brought to the groups attention there may be another group with a separate proposal similar to the Valiance. Is there another Peerage order?

We discussed various ways that we can get people together. Both in spirit and real terms. There may be a need to get varying disciplines to communicate better as well as work together. What forms this would take were not discussed necessarily but a few ideas were floated. Such as getting thrown weapons and target archery as close to each other as possible so a participant can do both easily.

Promotion of various disciplines: Darts, Atl atl, combat targets. There are some locales that are restricted in their options. This may be an opportunity for the populace to step up, or request their specific head marshal consider specific activities if not already covered locally/Kingdom-wide.

There are period example of knights who were archers. This was brought up as a rebuttal to an assumed argument that people who engage in certain activities may not possess PLQs re martial form.

Relegated to the back seat. Re archery. It is up to us to ensure that events and activities are happening (related). We can work to bring missile weapons closer to the fore. Depending on the event, this would bring greater visibility. We can work with staff and autocrats to ensure the ‘thing’ happens at all. I have personally reached out to MiCs to ask and ensure Combat Archery could happen. There was space, it simply wasn’t considered.

Laurel for different arts as peerage for martial skills – It was re-iterated here that the Valiance proposal can, and most closely resembles the Laurel. In that it covers all disciplines. One not need be a master of all. PLQs and mastery of one, as empirically referenced in the Laurelate, can be enough depending.

What can we do to get visibility – More discussion on what we can to to increase visibility.

  • Go out be visible – carry your martial forms with you eg: axes
  • Be amazing – regardless of whether the peerage exists. we as a community can bring greater honor to the whole by doing our best to be visible, teach, assist, organize. Energy expended is honor returned.

Documentation of numbers – broken down below

  •   Record practices, numbers – This discussion has been started here, and a poll regarding same is here.
  • Record growth – keep track of how a martial form has grown. tracking participation YoY
  • Sign in at events – one form of tracking can be sign in at events. another more structured form is authorizations in Kingdom
  • scoring system – use the scoring site to enter and track all participants regardless of scoring intent. A score of zero would be entered so they wont necessarily show up, but their participation will be recorded

Start local and work up. Go to baronial meetings. This means show up at your local meeting. Discuss your martial area and others. Ensure that positive discussions are being had and promoted. Is there a budget for equipment? Need for an A&S night to help produce materials? Branding? Heraldry?

Valiance sponsored – we are a loose group of supporters, but we can sponsor events under the Valiance ‘brand’. Use our martial skills to promote the proposal!

omnibus_5.1Universal branding – consistency in branding of the proposal. Many people recognize the symbology. There are variations. The overall design variations however should be minor enough to convey they are all the same idea.

Register the symbols so others can transfer – We can get the populace to register potential symbols of the proposal and then transfer them to the S.C.A. when the Order is created.

Each meeting do a mail in – Every single meeting the BoD has, campaign them. Remind them we are here. We are not going away. The Order  has too long been easily dismissed.

Waivers at practices? – Not sure what was referenced here and hopefully the person who brought this up can clarify

Separate martial forms in mol signup – Some Kingdoms apparently lump in siege and CA with Rattan. There is information being lost  here in that we can’t discreetly track participation for specific disciplines.

Active yearly participation versus active per event – It is useful, whatever potentially agreed upon method for tacking participation, that we have a way to separate the idea of unique engagement with a martial skill versus repeated. eg: I am an archer, but I may attend many archery events in a year.

Change the reporting to account for numbers – in the theme of tracking participation, some Kingdoms, Baronies, etc do not track participation per event or practice. We can start recording these numbers and bubbling them up. This however requires longer conversations with our leadership: specific head marshal and Kingdom Marshals.

Hard numbers – Using a system to glean hard numbers. Such as the proposed idea of entering all participants into the scoring site regardless of whether it was a scoring shoot. This would not preclude a group from scoring several events in a single day. If the sign in sheets where created with the competitions, and various martial forms, in mind then all can be accommodates cleanly and easily.

Tournaments IKCAC, Missile Weapon Community – Promote more tournaments. Get higher ranking participation such as Baronage, and Royalty when possible. Competitions such as the IKCAC and Missile Weapon Tourney can be promoted and included in many events, safely and easily.

Award recommendations for their field – Lets make sure we are recommending those worthy for awards specifically for the martial field(s)

text in italics were the original notes taken from the meeting

Meet and Greet for the Omnibus Peerage at Pennsic

Greetings friends one and all!

Its that time of year where a young persons fancy turns to thoughts of Peerage for those who are deserving…

Omnibus Proposal Flag
Omnibus Proposal Flag

This year at Pennsic we are pleased to announce at least one meeting regarding the Valiance Proposal (Omnibus Peerage). We will be meeting at the Thrown Weapons tent on the main battlefield at Sunday August 5th at 5:30 pm. Scheduled for one hour depending. Look for the banner!

This will be an open forum to discuss any issues or concerns about what the Peerage aims to achieve, walk each other through the process, or simply answer questions.

Our last large meeting was very productive. We had an array of positions on the proposal and discussed them openly. Very civil conversations and all voices were welcome.

This is the environment we want to foster this year. Bring your thoughts and concerns, or simply listen.

This Society is made great by those that care for, and nurture it.

Share the flier, and get involved!

Flyer for the Pennsic Valiance Proposal Meeting
Flyer for the Pennsic Valiance Proposal Meeting

Read a review of how our last meeting at Pennsic went!

Spring Fling II – Darken the sky with missiles!

Friends, Spring Fling is coming very soon! this an event dedicated to Combat Missile weapons!

I am very excited to share this combat archery, and siege event! Come join the missile flinging fun!

Friday night, for those on site, we will be hosting a ‘laid back’ bardic featuring stories, tall or true, about yours, or others exploits with missile weapons!

The morning will bring classes, inspections and authorizations. So make sure you brush up on the rules, you have loads of time!

There will also be a Missile Weapon Tourney! We will be hosting at least the ‘Speed Round’ variant with multiple weapon types.

From around noon ’til 4 at least. It will be a mix of War Practice with some strategy and exercises as well as scenarios like capture the flag, woods battle and open field teams.

After field exercises we will host a short Q&A session about the Valiance Proposal. Look for the Valiance banner.


Now this is primarily Combat Missile event, but we do ask that at least few of our rattan friends show up. We can use your help in authorizing, inspections and participation in exercises! Treat this event as a ‘War Practice’ to focus on teamwork as well as coordinate with our rattan friends so we work more efficiently with our army!
(Please note the official War Practice is coming up as well and combat archers are welcome!)

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the activities!

Click Here for more info about event

Need info about martial activities? Here you go!

There may be some loaner gear, but very limited. if you have some to spare, bring it along!

Siege hosted by the graceful and awesome Baronö Bessenyei Rozsa

YIS respectfully,
Lord Cameron de Grey
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