Lisette la Roux has been a member of the SCA since 1997, beginning in the Kingdom of Caid. She came to the Kingdom of Atlantia in 2000 and is a faithful member of the Barony of Lochmere. Throughout her SCA career she has held several baronial positions both organizationally and as the Baronial Rapier Champion and A&S Champion. She has served specifically as Baronial Minister of Arts and Sciences for Lochmere and is currently the Kingdom University Chancellor.
She is an apprentice to Mistress Isobel Bedingfield and specializes in several artistic disciplines but her true love is historic culinary arts, which she has been working on developing since 2009. Specifically, she wants to show that period foods can be made that appeal to the modern palette. Included in this page is her documentation for her A&S entries as well as the documented feasts she has created throughout the years.
This is a work in progress as I am always learning new things and sharing new foods, so check back for more.
She welcomes any input, comments, or questions.
See all posts by Lisette La Roux