Category: Missile Weapons
I’m Not Leaving the SCA, The SCA Left Me
An open letter to the Populace and the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism Back to My Roots When I started circa ’91, I was a young skate rat with a love of archery. My friends and I would lob arrows at each other in football fields, shoot targets, etc. My friend … Continue reading I’m Not Leaving the SCA, The SCA Left Me
What’s in your Target Archery Marshal Kit?
When preparing for an event as a Target Archery Marshal, I always seem to forget something. Even when I’m acting as Combat Archery Marshal, but thats for another day! I was recently teaching a class when it struck me that we, as marshals, always brag about all the junk we have in our kits, but … Continue reading What’s in your Target Archery Marshal Kit?
“A message for you sir!” – Face shots at Pennsic? UPDATED
Prepare for battle! Recently we became aware of some changes to the combat rules at Pennsic this year. Initial reaction was anger but just getting angry doesn’t necessarily help. So I stopped to consider the issue. Calibration We repeatedly hear between battles, “Calibrate you blows!”. This is a general, and good, warning. Things can get … Continue reading “A message for you sir!” – Face shots at Pennsic? UPDATED