Targeting Groups – What’s your beef with us?

So what’s the ‘Happs’ Man? I get a lot of PMs mostly good, some negative. That’s all ok. I appreciate the perspectives. I would like to note one quote, “… my [arguments] with the fighters…” I think it is important to stress here that my main issue is with the BoD. I have no quarrel … Continue reading Targeting Groups – What’s your beef with us?

“A message for you sir!” – Face shots at Pennsic? UPDATED

Prepare for battle! Recently we became aware of some changes to the combat rules at Pennsic this year. Initial reaction was anger but just getting angry doesn’t necessarily help. So I stopped to consider the issue. Calibration We repeatedly hear between battles, “Calibrate you blows!”. This is a general, and good, warning. Things can get … Continue reading “A message for you sir!” – Face shots at Pennsic? UPDATED

Thats a wrap! IKCAC 2019 was a success for all!

What a year! We had a wonderful season. Not only did we make the shoot more accessible by the known world, many more participated in the shoot! We had 28 participants in 2019! Compare that for example to 2017 and 2018 where we had 5! Success is measured in the result of many people’s efforts. … Continue reading Thats a wrap! IKCAC 2019 was a success for all!

Combat Bolts – Hammering it Home

A quick missive regarding bolt construction. I recently had an issue where I simply could not hammer the shaft in to the Fathead deep enough. It turns out the spec has changed from the Fathead, to the Fathead 2 (at the time of writing, provisionally approved). From Northstar: Please see the attached instructions.  If you would like to … Continue reading Combat Bolts – Hammering it Home