Three Pillars – The Competition for all of us

The Basics

When traveling for the last few years to An Tir for Egil’s Tourney, they run a competition that is fantastic and embodies the spirit of the Society. It is run over a few days and people prep before the event to participate in certain aspects.

The competition is rich in history, and is thematic of the region. It’s a great idea that deserves to be shared and outside a little planning has a very low barrier to entry!

A Short History

In A.S. XXV (1990), for Egil’s Tourney XVII**, Master Gerek the Far-Seeing and Mistress Chimene de CinqTours designed the Ithrotir Competition to give our Norse population an opportunity to display the various skills that were appropriate for a well-rounded Norse man or woman. It included eight individual competitions: Fot (Costuming); Smid (Decorated Useful Object); Brugg (Brewing); Skaldspar (Poetry); Tafl (Board Games); Spojtsskot (Spear Throwing); Boggaskot (Bow Shooting); Glima (Wrestling)

Eighteen years later, in A.S. XL (2008), for Egil’s Tourney XXXIV, Magistra Marian Staarveld and Magistra Raven qara Ton adapted the Ithrotir format to create the Three Pillars Competition which was designed to showcase the skills of the three pillars of the SCA: Service, Arts & Sciences, and Martial Arts. The overall winner would exemplify the well-rounded SCAdian.

View the Draft Document here

Supporting files

Three Pillars Passport Documentation Judging
Three Pillars Events Three Pillars
Three Pillars Bardic Judging Three Pillars Beer Brewing Judging
Three Pillars Scribal Three Pillars Overall Info
Three Pillars Dec Useful Object Three Pillars Costuming Judging

Special thanks to Pam Perryman for supporting documents and helping me get the word out! Please note I am only sharing this info and take no credit for the competition.

Thats a wrap! IKCAC 2019 was a success for all!

What a year!

We had a wonderful season. Not only did we make the shoot more accessible by the known world, many more participated in the shoot! We had 28 participants in 2019! Compare that for example to 2017 and 2018 where we had 5!

Plywood IKCAC Target Example

Success is measured in the result of many people’s efforts. I think this is due to the great people, their curiosity and dedication. The marshals who were willing to set up and run this shoot. Lochac had previously felt unable to participate, the rules have been re-written and better clarified to ensure access to all Groups and Kingdoms. I’m proud that the shoot is easier to set up, score AND goes much more quickly to get more involved!

Whats next?

We will continue to make this fun and approachable for all who wish to participate! A new IKCAC season is upon us, so prepare the targets and bows, and get shooting! Let’s get even more people this year!

Now for the part you have all waited for, the results of the 2019 IKCAC challenge!

Division Participant Location Score
Crossbow Necis of Danzig Darkwater, Trimaris 104.0
Handbow Ulric of Ambledune Politarchopolis, Lochac 90.0
Youth Judith O`dea Starhaven, Trimaris 50.0

Scores Page

Drafted, for your pleasure! Missile Weapon Tourney review

If you haven’t heard of the Missile Weapon Tourney, there is a draft that has been circulated ‘internally’ and Kingdom by Kingdom and getting feedback. Now it’s the populace’s turn to weigh in!

Comments have been opened to the public. Please take  a look and add your comments. Clarifications? Rule changes? Kingdom missile combat variations? Its all on the floor now.

Please take some time review the competitions, and if you have any comments, please add them to this post or contact us.

I am very excited about bringing this concept to the missile community, and I hope you can add to the discussion. Please take this idea and have fun with it!

Click here for more info