An open letter to the Populace and the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism Back to My Roots When I started circa ’91, I was a young skate rat with a love of archery. My friends and I would lob arrows at each other in football fields, shoot targets, etc. My friend … Continue reading I’m Not Leaving the SCA, The SCA Left Me
Category: BoD
Master of All, Master of None – Valiance Virtues
Thinking about the the call for commentary from the B.o.D. I had this running around my head, and then some rather unkind words came to my attention. What they were and who they were from were not important per sé, but the general source got me thinking about the difference between the Chiv, and those … Continue reading Master of All, Master of None – Valiance Virtues
Uncle Valiance Wants You!
The time is close. Join the movement. Think of the martial peerage this way: Does it make sense to only offer a path of recognition in the Laurel to only those who practice weaving? Should those who make scrolls have to prove their numbers or participation before they are allowed a path to peerage? No. … Continue reading Uncle Valiance Wants You!
Upcoming BoD Meet and Greet!
(reposted from lists) Ever thought about what the SCA is like at the Corporate level? Ever wonder what the job of a Director involves? The Directors and Corporate Officers will be sponsoring a panel discussion at the upcoming at Great Western War, October 7-12 in the Kingdom of the Caid to answer any questions the … Continue reading Upcoming BoD Meet and Greet!