Spring Fling II – Darken the sky with missiles!

Friends, Spring Fling is coming very soon! this an event dedicated to Combat Missile weapons!

I am very excited to share this combat archery, and siege event! Come join the missile flinging fun!

Friday night, for those on site, we will be hosting a ‘laid back’ bardic featuring stories, tall or true, about yours, or others exploits with missile weapons!

The morning will bring classes, inspections and authorizations. So make sure you brush up on the rules, you have loads of time!

There will also be a Missile Weapon Tourney! We will be hosting at least the ‘Speed Round’ variant with multiple weapon types.

From around noon ’til 4 at least. It will be a mix of War Practice with some strategy and exercises as well as scenarios like capture the flag, woods battle and open field teams.

After field exercises we will host a short Q&A session about the Valiance Proposal. Look for the Valiance banner.


Now this is primarily Combat Missile event, but we do ask that at least few of our rattan friends show up. We can use your help in authorizing, inspections and participation in exercises! Treat this event as a ‘War Practice’ to focus on teamwork as well as coordinate with our rattan friends so we work more efficiently with our army!
(Please note the official War Practice is coming up as well and combat archers are welcome!)

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the activities!

Click Here for more info about event

Need info about martial activities? Here you go!

There may be some loaner gear, but very limited. if you have some to spare, bring it along!

Siege hosted by the graceful and awesome Baronö Bessenyei Rozsa

YIS respectfully,
Lord Cameron de Grey
Or, on a bend purpure between a wheel of cheese and a squirrel sable, three pheons palewise Or

Published by

Cameron de Grey

Archery, Combat Archery, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Near Eastern Music, Bardics