How Dry I Am – Dry Sites in the SCA

I recently realized Im going to a dry event. It isnt the first time this has happened, and it wont be the last. The site being dry wont keep me away.

I have to ask though, what’s the deal with dry sites? In a world where we are adults, and drinking is legal, whats the point?

I have been to larger events where some parties can get out of hand, but even then a few and far between. Smaller events this is a rarity at best.

Is this a decision made by autocrats that don’t imbibe? Are they the only facilities within 100 miles?

Im not saying event’s cant be fun without alcohol, but I will say in my experience, more people participate in bardics with it.

Why do you imagine, or know, we use dry sites?

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Published by

Cameron de Grey

Archery, Combat Archery, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Near Eastern Music, Bardics

One thought on “How Dry I Am – Dry Sites in the SCA”

  1. I believe it is hard to find a site in the DC metro area, let alone one that allows alcohol. And if we upped our site game, we’d also have to up our site fee.

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