The (demi) gauntlet has been thrown down

Recently we have been challenged to reach out and help field more C.A. combatants by Atlantia’s own Excellency, Baron Fergus. I’d like to extend that welcome to all!

Spend this winter arming our friends!

Nearly Finished Hip Quiver
More ammo!

You you have supplies or skills you are willing to share? Do you have loaner gear or templates for making armor or other equipment? The challenge was to help any friends get complete C.A. kits and get them on the field. If you have something to share, lets spend this winter getting it done!


This of course can be extended to any activity (archery, A&S, etc), but armored combat of any kind can be daunting to those without experience or exposure. Lets help our friends find the path that they seek. We need more meat shields if nothing else ;p

Seek a local fighter practice. They are happening with some frequency over the winter months. C.A. is a little trickier but not impossible. But armor is armor is armor. Talk to your fighters about armor. Sometimes there are armoring workshops, check them out!

Cameron deGrey and the Gracious MIC

I would also suggest to take the skill seriously, that you devote time to your martial form. Anyone can pull a bow, but can you pull one effectively and shoot someone accurately? Even if you aren’t shooting combat bolts/arrows, get out and practice with your bow using field points at an archery practice. You should be comfortable with your weapon at the very least for yours, and other’s safety.

Consult ye the ‘Book of Armaments‘ a.k.a. the Marshal’s Handbook. The consult your Kingdom’s Handbook to see if there are any additions.

When you get a chance do a few IKCACs. Local practice doesn’t do it? Ask them to.

The C.A. community rocks and will always help you out. Let us know if you have any questions! Post any comments with links to supplies etc!

See you all in the spring!


Strapping your CA Bolts

Many of us in Atlantia, not to exclude other friends who do as well, use strapping tape on our APD’s and blunts. I prefer to simply buy the 1/4″ tape and use that, though you may prefer a different width.

Electrical tape is nice for the variety of colors, but to be really safe, go with the best and strongest. In the illustration, you can see how it can be applied

example of how to apply strapping tape
example of how to apply strapping tape

, then simply go over the blunts strapping tape, with the electrical tape color of choice!

When the electrical tape starts to crack and break, you will still pass inspection as long as your strapping tape is intact (of course remove any loose tape).

More Info/Related

One more for the IKCAC win!!

Greetings friends!

I come to you with an urgent request! We need ONE more IKCAC score. Just one. Can you do it?

I can supply the target, bow, ammo, whatever you need. As the clergy in Honorable Church of the Pet Shop Boys rightly pronounced:

I’ve got the brains
You’ve got the looks
Let’s make lots of IKCAC-y
You’ve got the brawn
I’ve got the brains
Let’s make lots of IKCAC-y

We have until Dec. 1 friends!!!!

Do you need help? Have questions? Let me know!!

More info about the shoot