Watch where you point that thing! Thrown weapons place in the SCA

thrown weapons
thrown weapons

It came up that thrown weapons are handled differently from Kingdom to Kingdom. For instance I recently learned that in Meridies, a combat archery cannot use thrown weapons. This is apparently only for ‘heavy’ or ‘rattan’ fighting use.

So how many variances are there in the combat community? Does it make sense that CAs or siege engineers cannot use throwing axes, maces, knives?

Im curious about the debate for and against. Society law is pretty clear about who can and who cannot. Clearly a CA cannot engage in melee unless specific conditions are met, and then only if the combatant is authorized appropriately.

Please comment below with your thoughts!

Spring Fling II – Put it on your calendar!

Friends, Spring Fling is coming very soon to Atlantia and our neighbors!

completed lot of throwing weapons
throwing weapons

I am very excited to report there will be combat archery, siege, combat archery, and siege! Come join the missile flinging fun!

Friday night for thos on site, we will be hosting a laid back bardic featuring stories, tall or true, about yours, or others exploits with missile weapons!

Saturday morning will bring classes, inspections and authorizations. So make sure you brush up on the rules, you have loads of time!

There will also be a Missile Weapon Tourney!

From around noon ’til 4 at least. It will be a mix of War Practice with some strategy and exercises as well as scenarios like capture the flag, woods battle and open field teams.

At 4p there will be a Valiance Proposal meet and greet.omnibus_5.1 if you don’t know what it is or have any questions, stop by and we will help!

Now this is a premier Combat Missile event, but we do ask that a few of our rattan friends show up. We can use your help in authorizing, inspections and participation in exercises! Part of the goal is to get input from our rattan friends tactics and coordinate so we work better with our army!

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the activities! Im available anytime!

Get more information about Spring Fling II.

Need info about martial activities? Here you go!

There may be some loaner gear, but very limited. if you have some to spare, bring it along!

OMG Im not a Marshal anymore?!?

(links are Atlantia specific, but look on your Kingdom site for equivalents)

Hello all,

Well recently I got a message from a friend saying, “We dont see you on the Combat Archery Marshals list, so you can go suck and egg!” Well, OK, that NEVER happened, but it did happen that I wasn’t on the Marshal lists!! True story!


What can you do when you don’t appear there? There are several reasons why you may not appear:

  • Membership expired
  • class(es) overdue
  • not filing reports
  • warrant pulled

What can you do?

Start by logging into your SCA account and checking your status.

All good? Great! Next you need to check the rosters. In my case Target Archery and Combat Archery Marshal

Ruh Roh Reaorge! Not there eh? Well the good news is, each page has a link to the Earl Marshal or other relevant contact.

Did you take a class? Who with? Did they submit their reports? Follow up with them.

Did you file an event report after you were an MiC or helped marshal at an event? Well go ahead and file that report right now!

Are you ABOUT to expire? Check the list!

Do some homework first before you contact the EM office(rs). This will make their job easier. Some situation are simple oversights and easily fixed. Sometimes it will take more work (warrant pulled). But address the issues!

One thing is true, the sooner you fix it, the better!

Dont be ‘that person’ who has to retake the class(es) for a new warrant.

Your Kingdom, and populace need your support!

Stay current, Have Fun!

Torchlight Melee for Missile Weapons?

You bet!  This year at Highland River Melees we are proud to present “The Field of Shooting Stars“.

If you need a reason to come early on Friday, this is it. Exact times to be determined but inspections will start about an hour before sunset, and will begin around sundown.

Bring your missiles early for taping!

How will this work? Industrial strength glow tape is how. All shafts will have a charged strip of tape, as will the helms front and back.

This is intended as a missile event, but may be expanded. More details may be forthcoming. If this remains a missile only event, scores will be recorded into the missile combat tourney. This will only be run Friday night as Saturday night will surely be filled with fun and festivities.

We welcome any input, so please drop any comments below!!