Strapping your CA Bolts

Many of us in Atlantia, not to exclude other friends who do as well, use strapping tape on our APD’s and blunts. I prefer to simply buy the 1/4″ tape and use that, though you may prefer a different width.

Electrical tape is nice for the variety of colors, but to be really safe, go with the best and strongest. In the illustration, you can see how it can be applied

example of how to apply strapping tape
example of how to apply strapping tape

, then simply go over the blunts strapping tape, with the electrical tape color of choice!

When the electrical tape starts to crack and break, you will still pass inspection as long as your strapping tape is intact (of course remove any loose tape).

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Published by

Cameron de Grey

Archery, Combat Archery, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Near Eastern Music, Bardics