Cold days of winter are here

I don’t know about you, but I like winter. I look forward to cold days inside, and days inside mean more time for A&S projects! Whether its prizes for competitions, gifts, or something I need, I definitely relish some down time.

This year I’m looking for to leather working, jewelry making, forge time, tent painting, learning more songs, and practicing with the oud and more.

What do you look forward to? Would you rather be outside? I usually prefer to be as well, but this winter, I can certainly use the down time!

Happy winter all!

Prepare to fight at WoW!

Friends, there will be a Missile Weapons Tourney at WoW! If you authorized in Combat Archery, or if we get enough Siege engineers, we will have several hours of missile flinging bliss!

Did you further know you can pre-sign in with the MoL?!

What is a Missile Combat Tourney? Find out here! We will be playing the Speed Round variant (aka: Iron Gauntlet). If more people show up, we could do squads.

Regardless, come, kill, enjoy!