Friends, with a new year brings great promise: to fling more arrows and bolts into a shiny new IKCAC target!
February 1st is the beginning of the new season, so get your targets made and dust those arrows and bolts off! Get them in before December 1st though!
The rules, and target have been reimagined to make the shoot easier, and target easier to construct and set up!
Its as close as you can get to the battlefield without a fighter card!
So what has changed?!
We have added a youth division so our younger friends can compete across the Kingdoms!
We are splitting the adults into two divisions: hand-bow and crossbow.
The target is basically two rectangles. This will make it easier to build! The construction method and materials doesn’t matter, as long as the size is correct and the scores can be easily recorded. But have no fear, if you have the ‘old’ target, you can continue to use it through the 2019 season! We appreciate people may have made on or still have one (as I do!).
The scoring system has been simplified. Now just keep your tally and the math is super easy: 2 or 4 points per.
The IKCAC now lives on it own section on the scores site!
So what does this all mean? The shoot is far more approachable now! We hope to bring you a shoot that is fun, opens doors, and fosters inclusion.
Talk to your local marshals, ask them to include the IKCAC at events and practices! It is a lot easier, and fun to do!
Get out there and get shooting!
Your Faithful Servant and Score-keeper – Cameron de Grey