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Simple Advice For Beginner Combat Archers or Engineers

So you want to be a combat archer, or engineer huh…

Northstar archery is a great resource for bolts etc…
You can source your own materials, and use this as a reference as to what to buy. I bought my Baldar blunts from them though. Their customer service is great, and it’s always good to support people who support the SCA.

Nearly Finished Hip Quiver
Nearly Finished Hip Quiver
The tubes cut and honeycombed
The tubes cut and honeycombed

If you do use Baldar blunts, one thing you can do is ‘honeycomb’ your quiver with flourescent lamp tube covers (plain simple plastic tubes) cut to a length (eg: 10″). This can help the bolts or arrows stay more separated, thus easier to draw while in the heat of combat.

Using these bags (http://www.harborfreight.com/round-canvas-bag-94320.html) are a great, quick start for a hip quiver. And can be adapted for either arrows (you need to be a little more creative) or bolts.

SCA Combat Archery is a good FB Group to join. There are many helpful, if not verbose, friends there.

Please take the time to read the Marshals Handbook

(Combat Archery):
http://www.sca.org/officers/marshal/docs/marshal_handbook.pdf (Sections III.D., VII.F-G., XV.D.)

(Siege Related)
http://www.sca.org/officers/marshal/docs/marshal_handbook.pdf (Section VIII)
Study it, know it, love it, this is your bible. Everything you need to know about armor minimums, safe distances, legal shots etc is here.

For getting ready for war I would suggest getting just as armored as you would for rattan combat with the exception of the gauntlets (unless you can get well articulated full gauntlets). But armor is a really big subject. Do you go for cheap to get you on the field, or do you invest the time and money to get armor that fits your persona? Pinterest is a great starting point. (eg: https://www.pinterest.com/theakki/sca-~-armor-craft/). You can make a full set of armor out plastic garbage barrels (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpkBKJLjEvI) the lighting and sound isnt the best, but you’ll get the idea.

I would suggest crossbow for combat for several reasons, but use what you are comfortable with. For crossbow I would also suggest a fiberglass prod. But either steel, aluminum, or fiberglass are perfectly suitable and safe.

There are only two people I would get crossbows from in Atlantia, That is their Excellencies Mors of Stierbach, and Siegfried (http://crossbows.biz/). But talk to people in your Barony or Community, Im sure there are makers that people know and trust.

Thats the shorts of it! If you have suggestions or edits, please let us know!

Do You Want to Build a Device – FiveMinuteFilk

Recently someone threw out a challenge to filk this song and include heraldry as the topic. Ive thrown down the gauntlet!

Do you wanna build a device?
one I can legally display
I’ve submitted: fieldless or
two diamonds sable for {gesture for balls}
a crescent sable this way. {gesture for penis}

Consulting heralds used to be chummy
and now we’re not
they wont let my banner fly~

Do you wanna build a device?
an or and sable device

Go away, Anna

Okay, bye…

Do you wanna build a device?
I found more things that look like balls
heraldry texts accrue
heralds I’m talking to
stopped taking my calls-

(hang in there) {singing to self}

could’ve gone with papellony
border of compony
all these ideas just float by

Please, my submission’s in there,
Now after long last I see
through research Im trying to
find something you’d like to, just let me keep

Im submitting another
Just please look and see
What do I have to do?

Do you want to build a device?

{this denotes action if performing live}