Meet and Greet for the Valiance Proposal at War of the Wings (Omnibus)

Greetings friends one and all!

Its that time of year where a young persons fancy turns to thoughts of Peerage for those who are deserving…

Omnibus Proposal Flag
Omnibus Proposal Flag

This year at War of the WIngs we are pleased to announce at least one meeting regarding the Valiance Proposal (Omnibus Peerage). We will be meeting at Vingolf at Saturday October 21st at 3:00 pm. Scheduled for one hour depending. Look for the banner!

This will be an open forum to discuss any issues or concerns about what the Peerage aims to achieve, walk each other through the process, or simply answer questions.

There have been several meetings over the last decade which have been successful. We had an array of positions on the proposal and discussed them openly. Very civil conversations and all voices, pro and con, were welcome.

This is the environment we want to foster this year. Bring your thoughts and concerns, or simply listen.

This Society is made great by those that care for, and nurture it.

Share the flier, and get involved!

Read a review of how our last meeting at Pennsic went!

Published by

Cameron de Grey

Archery, Combat Archery, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Near Eastern Music, Bardics

We await your missive...