Excuse me, you dropped this…

When it comes to weapons on the battlefield, one aspect is interesting: Reusability.

Gleaning isn’t something we readily grasp or deal with, but if you are a CA using tube ammo, it comes quickly. There is another are though, thrown weapons!

completed lot of throwing weapons
completed lot of throwing weapons

Dont forget a few daggers in your belt, or a mace or two in your ammo bag can come in handy again and again. Dropping them on the ground is not an issue.


Though not specifically in law, it follows that these are legally gleanable. As stated in the rules, before using these in combat, make sure your marshals know and approve of their usage.

As always make sure you Kingdom law allows for specific weapons!

Published by

Cameron de Grey

Archery, Combat Archery, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Near Eastern Music, Bardics