Valiance Steering Committees – Call to Action

Friends the idea was brought up regarding organizing the cats in the martial peerage group, and other interested parties. To that end, there is a concept of a ‘steering committee’ for lack of a better term. Please refer to the linked google sheet below. This is a self selecting process. If you wish to be a person of contact for your Group/Kingdom, let us know. This will allow people who are not in your Kingdom, not familiar with your officers, etc to make meaningful contact with those who are willing and able.

valiance supporters unite!

What is the job?

Propose ideas that we can share. Promote the ideas, activities, initiatives, what worked for you, methods of communication, news, etc.

We can network and share ideas. Once we have some concepts on board, we can then promote these ideas to members of the steering committees for each Kingdom for dissemination in a way that may best fit the Group/Kingdom the steering members see fit.

These are not gatekeepers of information. Nothing would nee to be ‘run by’ these volunteers. They dont have veto powers or the right to dictate anything. They are merely conduits in which to promote aforementioned.

Simply put, these are people that are willing to help others promote the peerage in what ways they can.

Hopefully there will be constructive feedback as well.

In my own inimitable way Im pushing forward without heed to the consequences, but in a world where even the members here wax and wane, if we can create a system that helps keep us engaged, and gives us actual goals to aspire to, perhaps we can more quickly get on the same boat.

Please review the Steering Committee planning spreadsheet here:
click this link

To submit your ideas:
click this link

To sign up to be on the Steering Committee:
click this link

Constructive criticism welcome! If you wish to be an editor of the document:

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    Published by

    Cameron de Grey

    Archery, Combat Archery, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Near Eastern Music, Bardics