Combat Bolts – Hammering it Home

A quick missive regarding bolt construction. I recently had an issue where I simply could not hammer the shaft in to the Fathead deep enough. It turns out the spec has changed from the Fathead, to the Fathead 2 (at the time of writing, provisionally approved).

From Northstar:

Please see the attached instructions.  If you would like to read them without a magnifying glass please see the “Knowledge Center” on the

The Fathead-2 Blunts need a mark on the shaft at 3/4″.

In an attempt to spare the fiberglass shaft from getting destroyed in the process, I devised a method for protecting the shaft during the seating process. See attached images for details.

The first is using lamp parts. a coupling threaded extension and some cap pieces. There is a variety of pieces so you only need go to a hardware store and find a combo that works.

The second is using a threaded coupling nut. I think this is 1/8″ inch inside diameter. Pictured are two versions: one uses a molded plastic handle (perhaps for using a rubber mallet), the other is simply a screw that can take the beating of a metal hammer.

various pieces used to protect the shaft
various pieces used to protect the shaft
pieces used for protecting shown on shaft
pieces used for protecting shown on shaft

*edited to replace instances of Balder to Fathead

Published by

Cameron de Grey

Archery, Combat Archery, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Near Eastern Music, Bardics